经典英文歌曲:澳洲性感天后Kylie Minogue抒情新单《Flower》(在线收听

澳洲性感天后Kylie Minogue抒情新单《Flower》:像花儿一样美

像花儿一样美!性感天后凯莉米洛Kylie Minogue抒情新单Flower超美mv大首播!这首未收录在2007年专辑《X》里的作品,今年作为弦乐精选专辑《The Abbey Road Sessions》首单发行!

Kylie Minogue是澳大利亚著名歌手、歌曲作家及演员,现拥有英国官佐勋章头衔(OBE)。在澳大利亚和欧洲,Kylie Minogue成为同时代艺人的佼佼者及性感女神。尤其是在家乡澳大利亚,被誉为“国宝级”人物。


Wrapped in a blanket of hope
Asleep in the of dreams
My step into eternity was not what it might have been
Or not at all
For who knows which way the wind is gonna blow
I’m waiting for your gentle whisper

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me

An act of balancing, imagining the moment I can be
Looking deep into your eyes
For now a mystery
Or not at all
For who knows which way the wind is gonna blow
I’m waiting for your gentle whisper

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me

2 hearts in the hands of time
Your love bleeds into mine
I’ll be with you forever
And give you everything I am
Want you to understand
It’s you and I together

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you’ll amaze me
