经典歌曲:阿迪达斯NEO Label广告青春洋溢-Angelababy、彭于晏热力玩酷(在线收听

2012阿迪达斯NEO Label广告青春洋溢:Angelababy、彭于晏热力玩酷

与Nike相比,运动品牌Addidas的广告似乎更能抓取时下的流行元素,连广告歌的选取都能掀起一股让人心向往之的冲动!继陈奕迅倾情加盟的阿迪达斯三叶草广告火爆荧屏之后,杨颖(Angelababy)与彭于晏合拍的阿迪达斯(Adidas)年青副线Adidas Neo Label2012秋冬系列广告也于日前曝光。

两人身穿色调跳跃的阿迪达斯秋冬新款,在海滩、山地纵情释放青春能量!而动感十足的背景音乐同样散发着运动的快感,这首《Go Right Ahead》来自瑞典车库朋克乐队The Hives,与The Strokes与The White Stripes等美国车库摇滚乐团相比,在他们的作品中总是讽刺地嗅得到一点刻意追逐的流行雅痞感,令听惯了大众摇滚的乐迷耳前一亮!


Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go, go, go,
Go right ahead
Down the streets in a ufo
Find a bull and you grab the horns
Go right ahead
Spin your head up at the day you were born

Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go, go, go,
Go right ahead

Here's a secret keep it tight
It's California late at night
Go right ahead
We're gonna drink, fuck and fight all night
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead

You should turn around, you never know
Soldiers come along
I wanna show you
Our god is a sinner, our king is a god
The room's about to crumble as I go to the phone
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
You gotta ? when you go out to your head

Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go, go, go
Go right ahead

Like a tiger taking out of the sewer
Go right ahead
Do anything that you wanna do
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead

You should turn around, you never know
Soldiers come along
I wanna show you
Our god is a sinner, our king is a god
The room's about to crumble as I go to the phone

Go right a
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead

Down the streets in a ufo
Find a bull and you grab the horns
Go right ahead
Spin your head up at the day you were born

Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
Go right ahead
