
   LA PAZ, May 1 (Xinhua) -- Bolivian President Evo Morales Wednesday said he was expelling the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for "meddling in internal political affairs."

  Speaking at a public rally commemorating Labor Day at La Paz's main square Plaza de Armas, Morales accused the agency of involvement with political parties opposed to his government.
  "We have decided to expel USAID from Bolivia" for being involved in politics instead of social work, said Morales, instructing Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca "to immediately inform the U.S. Embassy" of the decision.
  USAID has been active in Bolivia since 1964, promoting development projects, especially in the area of health, but the agency, which is run by the U.S. State Department, has often stirred up controversy abroad through some of its other programs, including one whose stated goal is strengthening political parties.
  Morales has previously complained of USAID's activities and warned that if they continued, he would expel the agency from Bolivia.
  Morales said on April 18 his government was considering breaking off diplomatic ties with U.S. after Secretary of State John Kerry referred to Latin America as Washington's "backyard."
  In 2008, Morales expelled then U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg for conspiring with some members of the opposition to topple his government, but in 2011 Bolivia and the U.S. agreed to normalize relations, once again exchanging ambassadors.