

adopt ~ airline

   James walked out of the travel agency and looked very angry. He had decided to take a trip around the world and planned to take Jimmy, his dog, with him. But the travel agent refused to write a ticket for Jimmy, because pets were not allowed to board the aircraft. Although they called afterwards to say they were sorry--even using the adverb "terribly"--James was still very upset. He had adopted Jimmy before Jimmy was an adult, and the affection between them was very strong. Since seeking aid from the airline wasn't advisable, James advertised in the newspaper for a nanny to take care of Jimmy during his absence.
   Many people replied to the advertisement, but James was very cautious because he didn't want to be taken advantage of. An aggressive young man caught James' attention; he had graduated from an advanced nursing school, and called himself an advocate of animal rights. "This is a big advantage", thought James. He then dropped the agenda he was preparing for the next day's meeting and took Jimmy to meet the young man.
[$nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp]Jimmy was an old dog, and his hair was a mix of all colors: a bit gray, a bit brown and a bit black, and he was almost deaf too, so he always wore his hearing aid. Luckily, it didn't affect Jimmy's activity. You know what happened when the young man who advocated himself as an animal lover saw Jimmy?
   He refused to look after Jimmy and said a surgical operation would be to advantage for both of them!

