英伦广角 2012-04-28 英国保守党民意大失(在线收听

 Well, the prime minister has endured a month or so of bad headlines, a botched budget according to critics, terrible opinion polls, the Abbot Catarda, farce as some MPs call it, now immune to the over laws reform, so what do you do? And it looked like a re-launch, he took to the campaign trail, he went to an aircraft factory in the west of England, not flying high anymore in the polls, the prime minister thought though to defend some pretty tough cuts that the government is planning, on top of those already announced. 

What the government is doing is getting back to the key issues facing this country, they need to get on top of our debt and deficit to get our economy moving, but above all, to say, we’re on the side of those people who work hard, who wanna do the right thing for themselves and their families, we want to keep your taxes down, we wanna improve your schools, we want to reform welfare, it’s a government on your side, that’s what today is about. 
Well, according to one concern of the MP, that’s  the last thing is on people’s side, now Dean Doris, the outspoken conservative MP has branded the prime minister and chancellor posh boys which she went further, she said unfortunately, I think that not only are Cameron and Osborne two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk, but they are two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition and no passion to want to understand the lives of others, and that is their real crime, well, those cuts were spelled out by the treasury chief secretary Danny Alexander, he’ll calling a white hall department to go for even more savings, a new age of austerity. 
Under the new rules that I’m announcing, I’ve asked all departments to identify around 5% of their resource budget, but could be reprioritized if new pressures emerge or new policies have to be funded, so there’s a shared understanding how it could be paid for.
Well, the voters don’t like it according to a new poll for the Guardian, in the past week or so, we see big poll leads for labor, one as high as 11 or 12%, and the Guardian now has a poll showing a big slump in torrid support, conservatives down 6% on a month ago to 33%, labor up 5 to 41%, Lib Dems unchanged on 15%, and significantly other parties add up to 12%, so that suggests, UK panda, and perhaps the nationalists in Scotland and Wales doing well, so that’s an 8% labor lead, those local elections and the  mayor election in London are only about 10 days away, that’s labor’s highest poll rating for some time. That suggests that Mr. Miliband may be on his way to Downing Street. It’s bad news for Boris Johnson in London, in London the poll showing Ken Livingstone closing the gap, all these cuts are clearly not popular and the government’s handling or mishandling of events over the past months. Well, they’re being punished and paying heavy price for the voters.