美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-12-01(在线收听

 The White House and Congress are stilling working to avoid the economy crashing risk of going on a "fiscal cliff", negotiations are centred on whether to cut the benefit programmes should be on the table along with raising taxes on the rich.

President Obama and business leaders would discuss ways to keep the economy growing now they made the White House today, the agenda includes finding a balance to approch reducing the reficit. 
A brag alcohol counsellor in California has been charged with hitting and killing the Pedestrian while driving under the influence, authority say the driver kept going another two miles after her convertable struck a man, and larged him to the wind shield.
Biggest Powerball jackpot in history has reached a 500 billion dollars, as hope the buyers across the country lined up to buy two dollar tickets, the ron set for tonight.