美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-12-18(在线收听

 New details emerging in Franni school in Muscur, Connecticut, police reviewed that Adam Lanza shot his mother at home multiple times before heading to the school, the 20 year old then shot his way into school where he killed 26, most of them were children.

Across Newtown Sunday morning, any residents saw comfort in their churches, but one of those churches were where the victims worsened, and being evacuated, after a phone in Brad shaking prisoners ruster from the area, but short time later police give it all clear.
Hilary Clinton is recovering at home as cancelled all work plans at the coming week, that after the Secretary of State fainted and insisted concussion lost suffering from stomach virus last week.
And more than 4000 people dressed in Santa Claus to part and the charity wrist just outside the Paris, the aim of the event was to support organiztions to help people from the third world.