

       Topic: only government action can solve housing shortages in big cities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2006年真题)

  Housing shortages has become a serious urban social issue in many parts of the world. It has been argued that only when the government has taken actions, can demand for homes be fulfilled. Yet to the best of my knowledge, the government alone can not cope well with housing shortages.
  本文考察的是社会热点问题。通常文章第一段是全文的立论段。第一句交代房地产全球升温的背景,也是本文的写作背景。第二句是本文的写作对象,也就是考试题目,常用的方法是“把题目换个说法”,这句话的句式有点复杂,首先it has been argued that…是从句结构,真正的主语是that后面的内容,而that后面的内容本身也包含一个从句:“only when…can…”这是个倒装结构,用来强调条件。文章第三句作者提出了自己的观点,句中的to the best of my knowledge 是一种很正式的表达,他的作用和“in my view…”“I hold it that…” 等是一样的,用来提出自己的观点。
  One of the main objections to government intervention is that it would hamper the private sector and simultaneously pose a huge burden on the state. In countries where the government is on a tight budget and the homeless population is large, the involvement of private property developers is required and recommended. Not only does it release the government from the burden of funding large-sized construction programmes but it also fosters the housing industry. Given its role in attracting public consumption and accelerating economic development, the housing industry should be at the mercy of the market, rather than the government.
  这部分是文章的主体论述部分,论述多个原因时,最重要的原因放在最前面。本段讲的是反对政府干预的主要理由(本段首句提出)。第二句指出私人经济介入房地产是必要的, 接下来一句阐述为什么是必要的,这里使用“not only…but also”连接并列成分,使文章保持连贯。结尾句对本段首句进行照应,再次强调房地产发展应按照市场规律进行。
  Another draw back of state control over the housing market is that it could result in the stagnancy of construction quality, functionality, facilities and other aspects of housing. Apartment blocks or other residential constructions would be built in a similar pattern and the cityscape would be monotonous. Excessive uniformity, especially in the size and number of rooms, will fail to meet comprehensive requirements raised by citizens on properties.
  Despite these objections, government intervention is essential in some segments of the market and can render more resistance to citizens. Single parents, and the people with disabilities and other disadvantaged people are among those who are not ready to afford commercial housing. The government can provide them either with housing allowance to purchase their private properties or directly with economical houses.
  本段开头使用Despite these objections,一来可以与上文保持连贯性,二来可以暗示读者本段将提出与前文不同的观点。第一句是本段的中心句,指出政府干预同样也是必要的。第二句分析为什么政府干预是必要的,哪些人需要政府帮助,第三句论述政府帮助的具体措施。 本段的论述比较简短,并且位于第三段,可见并不是文章的主要观点。最后一句用either…or 来连接并列成份,使句子结构更加精炼。
  As indicated above, in addressing homelessness and inadequate housing, the joint effort of both government and private sector is required. While government intervention would impede the property market and negatively influence the supply and demand relationship, government assistance is essential for low-income families and vulnerable individuals in need of housing.
  本文是一篇关于房地产的话题,但是雅思作文对专业性没有过高的要求,所以也就无需使用很多房地产的专业术语。本文使用的语言是比较general的,但是其中涉及的经济词汇较多,目前大家的英语教材里这方面的词汇还是有所欠缺的,对于一般的朋友还是要用心准备一下。例如经济适用房:economical housing, 住房补贴:housing allowance, 政府干预:government intervention等等。这些都是时效性很强的单词,大家平时可以多阅读China Daily等时事杂志或收看CCTV-9的新闻节目进行积累。