美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-01-10(在线收听

1.President Barack Obama has returned to Washington after a winter vacation in Hawaii that was interuptted by the fiscal cliff crisis, it will be a heading into a business week, that includes possible nominations for the defense secreatry and the CIA director. 

2.In a speech to the nation, Syrian president Assad offered to compete a national recosolation conference hold the elections and crafts in new constitution, the opposition leaders has proposal as one missing key element Assad's resignation.
3.The deal seems to be relified by the appearance of the HOT's hocky's back. it took nearly four months and one long night in a league in the players's association to agree on attentive impact and now 113 days lockout.
4.And French actor Jaia Deperdon is treated like a local hero after arriving a provencial Russian town, Yesterday he received to the Russian passport, all part of balance against proposed French tax on millionaires.