美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-01-11(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama is nominating former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary, calling him "the leader our troops deserve". he also chose White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to lead the CIA.

2. Prosecutors are laying out their case against James Holmes. Investigators say he tossed two gas cans and then opened fire inside a Colorado movie theatre last July, killing 12 people and wounding dozens. The hearing is expected to last all week
3. Pre-trial proceedings are taking places in India for five men accused of raping and killing a young student. Police have charged the men with murder, rape and other crimes that could bring them the death penalty. A magistrate is expected to transfer the case to a fast-track court for the trial.
4. And in Las Vegas, technology companies are showing off their newest gadgets, getting a lot of attention - ultra HDTVs. Manufactures say they have four times the resolution of regular HDTVs.