美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-02-12(在线收听

1.The White House is calling the suicide bombing at the US embassy in Turkey a terrorist attack, two people were killed in the blast, including a Turkish security guard.

2.The White House says a new jobs report shows the economy is healing, the government reported Friday that the employers added 157,000 jobs in January, and the hiring was stronger than expected at the end of 2012, still, The young employment rate rose to 7.9%.
3.Energy Secretary Steven Chu is resigning, he won a Nobel Prize in Phoenix became under questioning for his handling of a solar energy loan.
4.It turns out walk on the beach may not just be good for your well-being, a man in England stumbled upon a smelly piece of rock that turned out to be a rare and valuable sperm whale excretion that could bring him riches.