美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-02-18(在线收听

 1. Three thousands cruise ship passengers who spent five days adrift in the Gulf of Mexico with poor sanitation and no running water are back on dry land. The Carnival Triumph was crippled by an engine fire. It was towed into Mobile, Alabama last night. 

2. Prosecutors in South Africa say they will pursue a charge of premeditated murder against Olympic star and double-amputee Oscar Pistorius. He was arrested after his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp, was shot dead in his home.
3. Five hundred people are reported injured after a meteor streaked to Earth in Russia's Ural Mountains. Scientists say the meteor weighed 10 tons.
4. President Obama travels to Chicago today. He will talk about how to build what he calls "ladders of opportunity" into the middle class.