美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-04-12(在线收听

   Some Eco-tourism often visiter close container with different species. But new research suggests that this activity may not be so great for the animal. Researcher tested S* in S* city in C* island to monitor the movement and behaivour. compare to the S* outside the tourism area, those S* city swith the activity pattern from nigtht to day when tourist handed out food. and make it your round instead sea noise. The senrate also have more wild mark which suggest increase aggession to another. The study in the journal plus one. Past rearcher found increase stress and more intra and inter species aggression among animals sudden impacted by human. Interactive tourism is growing business. But researcher said more studys is need to ensure health and safety of human and animal's lives. Eco-tourism may be good for giving species and human become giving them survial. But for the individual member of that species have to dealing with people. It may not be a walking apart.
