英伦广角 2013-01-26 英国遭遇极寒 陆空交通中断学校停课(在线收听


It's being like this pretty much all morning.And it doesn't show any sign of letting up.Before forecast we knew,it was likely to snow all day today.But then we've been told that in a recent day,it will stop on occasion,but really it starts it maybe five o'clock this morning.And it's been snowig pretty much constantly since started down in Lincolnshire and then moved north,caused some considerable problems.Although not for these youngsters that are playing here and there,both of those two schools they are from are both closed because of the slue of schools across the northeast are closed.There is a close because the buses can't get through,and of course they wouldn't be sure that they could get the children back home again at the end of the day.And there lies the big problem,because this snow is being coming down all day and it's more than it's forecasted.This evening could be particularly tricky.People who've managed to get to work,gettinng to school,wherever they needed to be,getting home might not be that easy.
You have no idea how lucky you are not to be hit by a snowball.We'd better let you get away from those kids.How about the ideas.Thanks very much indeed.Thank you.