英伦广角 2013-03-30 英国遭遇严寒 军方动用飞机为农户提供救援(在线收听

 touching done on a mercy mission the military came to the aids of the desperated farmers vias animal feed with transport to ...to be know ..support from the sky a huge relief to those managing the crisis on the ground 

we had been working with ...council and ... red cross and all the agency just to identify people a native maybe in cut off because of the snow and we had been trying to get emergency supervision to them just to try overcome so they can access from their home 
on the glance of ...thousand of ship like dead and buried beneath the snow thousands more have been left stranded without access to food they are now fighting for survival on the more isolated farm with visited this week the air drop couldnt come quickly enough 
i mean that animal are scared fear frustrate and far more like we trip just to have a nightmare were took by a ...just to trying get the sheep we have a new farm until we see lay out and we are just you dont wanna got more than to know so you dont for its just everyday is worse than the day before
apply to the farmer has resulted in an unlikely alliance between the british army and irish republican there is...minister in charge of farming in northern ireland if we are lively hood did your life is tied up and the farm looking after sheep or lamp its a hot ...situation so i think it is good to see there will be that the support so glad on my to see that support without make no command direction thank to bring the british army into the northern ireland
from this advantage point you get some sense of scared of the problem here ... covering 70600 square .. a helicopter is the only option so 5 day after the snow fell help has finally reach the most remote regions some hope at last for the sheep farmer who frost and starving to death 