美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-04-11(在线收听

   1. President Obama heads to Connecticut Monday to make the case for gun control legislation. Two Senators, a Republican and a Democrat are working on a plan to expand firearms background checks.

  2. A fire official in North Carolina says two children who were trapped when dirt fell on them at a construction site are not expect to be found alive. Crews worked through the night to find the 7-year-old boy and 6-year-old girl.
  3. The father of slain US diplomat, Anne Smedinghoff says she died doing what she loved. Suicide bomber killed Smedinghoff and four other Americans in Afghanistan on Saturday.
  4. And BP is scheduled to call its first witness on Monday. In a trial to determine the causes of the April 2010 Gulf of Mexico well blowout and oil spill.