美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-06-08(在线收听

  1. Leaders of the Tea Party and other conservative groups have been telling a House panel today about what they say has been years of abuse by the Internal Revenue Service. They say when they applied for tax-exempt status, the IRS responded by asking them inappropriate questions.
  2. A Colorado judge today accepted a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity from James Holms. He’s charged with killing 12 people and injuring dozens of others in last year’s deadly shooting at a Colorado movie theatre. Holms will be undergoing a mental evaluation at a state hospital and the results of that evaluation may not be known for months.
  3. Military leaders said Tuesday that sexual assault in the ranks is “like a cancer” that could destroy the force. They rejected far-reaching congressional efforts to strip commanders of some authority in meeting out justice.
  4. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie says he wants to hold a special election in October to fill the US Senate seat left vacant by Frank Lautenberg’s death. Christie says he intends to appoint someone to fill the seat in the meantime. But he didn’t say who.