美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-06-11(在线收听

  1. Tropical storm warnings are in effect for much of Florida as the first major storm of the season bears down on the sunshine state. Forecasters say tropical storm Andrea will bring heavy rain to several eastern states as it comes onshore.

  2. The Obama administration is defending the collection of millions of telephone records of Verizon customers. The White House says the court order allowing the National Security Agency to search the foreign records is a critical tool to fight terrorist threats.

  3. Britain’s prince Philip is in the hospital. Buckingham Palace says the 91-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth, the Second, has checked in for an exploratory operation. He could remain hospitalized for up to 2 weeks.

  4. In Russia, close to 1,000 people gathered outside Moscow’s Olympic Stadium Thursday to dance “Gangnam Style”. The flash mob is in honor of South Korean singer “PSY” who is taking part in a Russian music award ceremony on Friday.
