美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-06-15(在线收听

  1. A man accused of holding 3 women captive in his Cleveland home for about a decade has pleaded not guilty. And the defense hinted Ariel Castro would like to avoid a trial with a plea agreement, if the death penalty were ruled out.
  2. The number of homes destroyed by a wildfire near Colorado Springs could grow to around 100. The sheriff says unpredictable winds still make it a dangerous fire.
  3. Edward Snowden told a newspaper he is not trying to hide from justice in Hong Kong. The former CIA employee is accused of leaking information about the US surveillance program.
  4. And a 10-year-old girl at the center of organ transplant debate is getting a double-lung transplant. It comes after a match with an adult donor was made. Sarah Murnahgan who suffers from cystic fibrosis went to court to get access to the adult donor list.