美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-06-04(在线收听

   It takes a village to raise a child. Well, the same is true for finding what are called spaceworps. That's according to astophysicists who are calling for volunteers to aid in the search for gravitational lenses. Astronomical objects are so massive that they bend light around themselves, appearing to warp the fabric of space. Aside from being wicked cool, this light-bending ability means gravitational lenses act like space-based magnifying glasses, which gives scientists a  view of even more distant galaxies and shades light on the make of the * themselves. The more they distort light, the more dark matter they contain. An national team of scientists launched the project in May and will be hosting a live google hangout June 5th, at 11 a.m US Eastern Time to call people to the hunt, more infos at C foundation.org. The questions can be submitted via email to the C foundation, or in Twitter using the hashtag C astro. If you miss the webcast, load a spaceworps.org to take part and learn how to spot the tell-tale signs of gravitational lensing and tell us * surveys. The images have already been scanned by computers but the scientists want your eyes on those guys.
