听播客学英语 142 我不关心(在线收听

   In the last podcast, about Socks and Cookie, I said I do not care what the cat is called.

  What do we mean when we say “I do not care”?
  We mean, “That is not important to me.”
  So, if I say, “I do not care what the cat is called”, I mean, “It is not important to me what the cat is called.”
  OK? Everybody clear? Then let’s go and find Kevin and Joanne.
  Many months ago, a friend of Joanne’s invited Kevin and Joanne to come to her weding. And Kevin and Joanne said, yes they would be very pleased to come. But, as I say, that was months ago, and Kevin has forgotten all about it, until Joanne reminds him that the wedding is on Saturday.
  “But Joanne, there is a football match on TV on Saturday. If I go to the wedding I will miss the match.”
  “I don’t care about the football”, says Joanne. “We are going to the wedding”.
  “But, Joanne, its a really important game”.
  “I don’t care how important the game is. We’re going to the wedding.”
  “But, Joanne, if United win on Saturday, they will go through to the next round.”
  “I dont care whether they win or lose, we’re going to the wedding.”
  “Look, Joanne, it’s Joe’s birthday on Saturday. Me and some of his friends, we have planned a surprise party for him.”
  “Nice try, Kevin, but I don’t care about Joe’s birthday. We’re going to the wedding.”
  “But, Joanne, how can I explain to Joe that I can’t come to his party?”
  “I don’t care what you say to him. We said that we would go to the wedding and that is what we are going to do.”
  “So, Joanne, you don’t care that Joe will be upset that I can’t go to his party?”
  “Quite right, Kevin. I don’t care. And Joe won’t be upset”
  So they go to the wedding. And after the wedding there is a reception in a hotel. Joanne and Kevin chat to some people, and then Kevin disappears. Joanne cannot see him anywhere. An hour later she finds him. He is with the bride’s brother, and 3 or 4 other young men, in a small room at the back of the hotel. And, yes, they are watching the football on the TV and drinking cans of beer. Just as Joanne comes into the room, United score, and then the referee blows the final whistle.
  “Kevin, what are you doing here. You should be at the wedding reception”.
  But Kevin has a broad smile on his face “I don’t care. United have won.”
  “But you have missed the wedding cake and the champagne.”
  “I don’t care about the wedding cake or the champagne. United have won.”
  “Kevin, you are incorrigible”, says Joanne. And she says lots of other things too, but Kevin knows that she doesn’t really mean them, and anyway United have won. So, he doesn’t care.