NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-01-12(在线收听

  From NPR news in Washington, I'm Lakshimi Singh.
  Thanks to Miaomiaojiao
  Afghan president Hamid Karzai is heading home with some of reassurances(reassurance can be both countable and uncountable) from president Obama at the White House today on the draw-down of the American forces in the Afghanistan by the end of 2014. They've agreed to speed up the transition of security across Afghanistan to local forces. One important component for Karzai is control of Afghanistan's prisoners.
  Concerning Afghan sovereignty, we agreed on the complete retain of detention centers, and detainees to Afghan sovereignty, and this would be implemented sure enough for my return to Afghanistan.
  President says the US's effort in Afghanistan will shift to a supportive role in the spring and the agreement calls for an immunity agreement in which American troops are not subject to Afghan law. Mr. Obama did not say how many troops might remain after 2014.
  The video industry is the latest stakeholder in US gun policy to visit the White House, as vice president Joe Biden prepares to deliver gun control proposals to president Obama Tuesday. It [caps] several days of meetings with groups on both sides of the gun debate. The talks were spurred by last month mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school.
  After 5 terms of West Virginia's US senator J. Rockefeller is calling a quit today, the democrat and great grandson of industrialist John. D. Rockefeller, announced he would not seek reelection in 2014. Dave Mistage from Western Virginia public radio has more.
  After 50 years of public service, first as a state legislator, than governor and currently as US senator, Rockefeller will serve out his term and than step down. First came to West Virginia as volunteer with vista in 1964 where he worked and lived in a small rural community.
  You are giving me what I wanted most, a real and almost spiritual sense of mission.
  Rockefeller says he plans on spinning his time away from congress with his family and looking for other ways of serving public. For NPR news, I'm Dave Mistage, in Charleston(state's capital), West Virginia.
  Ford Motor company says it will hire 22,00 salaried workers in the US this year. Michigan Radio's Tracy Hamilton has more.
  Ford Motor company employs about 280,500 salaried workers in the North American today. The hiring [binge] is nearly a 8% increase. Joe Henry is Ford's president of the America's. He says Ford's higher profit margins should help it avoid previous [bloom and bass] cycles that led to large scale layoffs.
  But also what’s very important to support that it's the global growth is occurring, which makes us a more balance company not so reliant on one part of the world. Last year, Ford also boosted its hourly workers in US by 7500. For NPR news, I'm Tracy Hamilton in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  Dow was down three at 13,468. This is NPR news.
  France has begun a military campaign in Mali to help the West African Nations stop the advance of Islamist rebels who have taken over the North of the country. NPR's Eleanor Beardsley reports that Mali's president has declared a national state of emergency as the French military operation gets underway.
  Speaking to nation in the televised address, Hollande said French air and ground forced were fighting with Mali's Army to throw out what he called the terrorists. The rebels who are linked(link is just a noun or verb) to an African branch of Al-Qaeda took over the North of Mali a year ago and ruled with brutality and repression. Though an international intervention had been talked for months, it came sooner than expected when the rebel moving South this week threatening the capital of Bamako. Hollande called the terrorist group a threat to Africa, Europe and international community. He said France was fighting with its African partners under the legitimacy of a(U is not a vowel sound) UN security council mandate. Mali's president also personally appeals for France to intervene. Eleanor Beardsley, NPR news Paris.
  The Israeli prime minister is vowing to keep the Iranian threat the top issue of his agenda if he is elected on(according to grammar, there is an on, but cannot hear it) January 22nd. Benjamin Netanyahu told the visiting US senators today that he is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon. Israel has indicated that an military strike is possible if economic sanctions against Iran fail. Iran has long denied Israeli and Western claims of a nuclear weapon's program.
  The US's biggest mortgage lender is posing a profit surge today. Wells Forgo said it earned nearly 5 billion dollars in final months of 2012. That's 25% higher than it was a year earlier .
  I'm Lakshimi Singh, NPR news in Washington.
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