济慈诗歌和书信选(英文版)37 To John Taylor, 5th September, 1819(在线收听

   To John Taylor, 5th September, 1819

  My dear Taylor;
  This morning I received yours of the 2nd and with it a letter from Hesssey enclosing a Bank post Bill of 30 Pounds—an ample sum I assure you: more I had no thought of. You should not have delayed so long in fleet street; leading an inactive life as you did was breathing poison: you will find the country air do more for you than you expect. But it must be proper country air; you must choose a spot.
  Since I finished it I have finished Lamia; and am now occupied in revising Saint Agnes’ Eve and studying Italian. Ariosto I find as diffuse, in parts, as Spenser.
  Brown’s kindest remembrances to you; and I am ever your most sincere friend.