标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 2 Track 29(在线收听


Exercise 1-56; Reading Reduced Sounds                                            CD 2 Track 29 

Repeat the paragraph after me. Although you're get ting rid of the vowel sounds, you want to maintain a strong intonation and let the sounds flow together. For the first reading of this paragraph, it is helpful to keep your teeth clenched together to reduce excess jaw and lip movement.

Let's begin. 

Hello,  my name'z_____________. I'm  taking 'mer'k'n Acc'nt Train'ng. Therez' lot ť  learn, b't I  hope  ť make ' ť z 'njoy 'bl'z poss'bl. I sh'd p'ck  'p  on the 'mer'k'n 'nť nash'n pattern pretty eas'ly, although the only way ť  get  't 'z  ť  prac ť s all 'v th' time. I use the  'p 'n down, or  peaks 'n valleys, 'nť nash'n more th'n I used  to. Ive b'n pay'ng 'ttensh'n  ť  p'ch, too. 'Ts like  walk'ng down' stair case. Ive b'n  talk 'ng to' lot 'v' mer'k'ns lately, 'n they tell me th't Im  ea sier to 'nder stand. Any way, I k'd go on 'n on, b't the 'm porťnt th'ng 'z ť  l's 'n wel'n sound  g'd.  W'll, wh' d'y'  th'nk? Do I? 
