美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-07-20(在线收听

 1. There is progress on some Obama appointees need Senate confirmation. Senators voted 71:29 this morning to clear the way for Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Republicans were blocking the nomination. Senate majority leader, Harry Reid threatened to change the rules on filibusters if the republicans don’t budge.

2. Temperatures nearing 100 degrees bake the eastern half of the United States. Broadcasters say humid conditions continue for the rest of the week. 
3. A spacewalk outside the International Space Station was aborted today after an Italian astronaut helmet started leaking. About an hour in the spacewalk the astronaut reported a lot of water leaking into his helmet. 
4. And zoo officials in Atlanta say a giant panda there has given birth to two tiny cubs. Based on a recent ultrasound, zookeepers were expecting only one.