美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-08-06(在线收听

 1. The man convicted of holding 3 women captive in his Cleveland house for more than a decade and raping them repeatedly has been sentenced to life without parole plus 1,000 years. Ariel Castrol was sentenced Thursday. He had pleaded guilty to 937 counts and a plea deal struck last week spared him from a possible death sentence. 

2. National Security Agency leaker, Edward Snowden is reportedly now in Russia after spending more than 5 weeks in Moscow’s airport. Snowden received the asylum for one year. The White House said it was an extremely disappointed. The US had been demanding that Russia sends Snowden home to face prosecution for espionage. 
3. Same-sex marriage became legal in Rhode Island and Minnesota at 12:01 am Thursday. Bring the number of states allowing such marriages to 13. Officials around Rhode Island began issuing licenses when clerk’s offices opened at 08:30 am. 
4. And a baby elephant named Belle is making quite a splash at the Fort Worth zoo as she tries to stay cool in hot weather. Belle, who was born July 7, seems to love water and when you mix it with the baby pool, there is nothing that will keep her more than 300-pound body from rolling around it.  