美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-08-26(在线收听

 Bradley Manning, the soldier sentenced to 35 years for sending classified documents to WikiLeaks, now says he wants to live as a woman. Manning issued a statement saying he wants to be known as Chelsea and begin hormone treatment as soon as possible.

In Syria, government forces ? with military offensive a day after activists claimed more than 100 people were killed in a chemical weapons attack. One human rights group counted three air raids within five minutes in the suburb surround Damascus.
President Obama is pushing for a new rating system for colleges. ? will be judged based on their affordability in addition to their academic programs. If approved, the new ranking system would be used in distributing financial aids.
In Kentucky, the state ? ham has sold for a whooping 350,000 dollars at auction. Charity event is a part of the annual state fair.