新西兰英语 596 GM Trees destroyed(在线收听

   A group of people, who are against genetically modified plants, destroyed 375 pine trees in Rotorua during Easter.

  The trees were planted by a government forestry research organization called Scion. Scientists at Scion are trying to develop pine trees which do not need chemical sprays to kill insects. Their research is also to develop faster growing trees, stronger trees and trees which will grow well if the climate becomes warmer.
  Before they are allowed to use GM – genetic modification – scientists have to get permission from the Environmental Protection Authority, EPA. Any GM plants have to be grown away from other plants so that GM pollen is not spread to non-GM plants.
  In 1999 and 2002, a group called ‘Wild Greens’ destroyed GM potatoes which were part of scientific research near Christchurch. Because Scion was worried that the same thing could happen to their trees, they had two fences including one electric fence, and video cameras. However, the group which destroyed the trees, dug under the fences.
  Scion said the cost of the trees was $400,000. They will continue the experiments with better security.
  Note: GM is also called GE –genetically engineered (adjective) or genetic engineering (noun)
  People have very strong opinions about GM plants, especially GM food. What are the benefits? What are the concerns?