

       BRUSSELS, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- The foreign policy chief of the European Union (EU) Catherine Ashton on Monday condemned "in the strongest terms" the killings took place at Iraq's Camp Ashraf with up to 52 people killed and dozens wounded.

  Ashton said in her statement that the circumstances in which this brutal incident took place must be clarified and those found to be responsible must be held fully accountable(交待) and she welcomed the decision of the Iraqi government to open an inquiry.
  "I further call on the Iraqi authorities to ensure that the residents of the Camp are protected from any further violence and that the wounded obtain all necessary medical assistance," Ashton said.
  Ashton said that the EU is committed to a peaceful solution of the Camp Ashraf issue and she fully support UN Assistance Mission for Iraq's decision, under its humanitarian(人道主义) mandate, to conduct an independent and transparent assessment of this tragic event.
  "I call on all parties and particularly the Government of Iraq to facilitate UN Mission's fact-finding efforts," she said.
  The Camp Ashraf locates in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala.