新概念英语第一册Lesson 87 A car crash(在线收听

  Lesson 87 A car crash

  听录音,然后回答问题。Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood's car?

Mr Wood:       Is my car ready yet?
Attendant:       I don’t know, sir.  What’s the licence number of your car?
Mr Wood:     It’s LFZ 312 G.
Attendant:     When did you bring it to us?
Mr Wood:       I brought it here three days ago.
Attendant:     Ah yes, I remember now.
Mr Wood:     Have your mechanics finished yet?
Attendant:     No, they’re still working on it. Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it.
Attendant:     Isn’t that your car?
Mr Wood:     Well, it was my car.
Attendant:     Didn’t you have a crash?
Mr Wood:     That’s right. I drove it into a lamp post(电线杆). Can your mechanics repair it?
Attendant:     Well, they’re trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car.
New Word and expressions 生词和短语
n. 接待员
bring(brought, brought)
v. 带来,送来
n. 车库,汽车修理厂
n. 碰撞
v. 修理
v. 努力,设法
服 务 员:我不知道,先生。
伍德先生:是 LFZ312G。
服 务 员:您什么时候送来的?
服 务 员:啊,是的,我现在记起来了。
服 务 员:没有,他们还在修呢。
服 务 员:这难道不是您的车吗?
服 务 员:难说您没有出车祸吗?
服 务 员:啊,他们正设法修呢,先生。


  attendant                                           n. 接待员
bring(brought, brought)                       v. 带来,送来
garage                                               n. 车库,汽车修理厂
crash                                                 n. 碰撞
lamp-post                                          灯杆
repair                                                v. 修理
try                                                    v. 努力,设法


1. Isn't that your car? Didn't you have a crash? 在英语中常用这样一般疑问句的否定形式来表示反问,表达期待、请求或希望得到肯定的答复。
2. Well, it was my car. 这里was用斜体写表示了一种对过去时态的强调,意思是“曾经是我的车,但现在报废成这样就不像是了。”
3. to tell you the truth 是一种口语的表达,意思是“就实话跟你说了吧……”


  课文详注 Further notes on the text
1.When did you bring it to us? 您什么时候送来的?
2.…they're still working on it. ……他们还在修呢。
work on 表示“从事”、“干”(某事)。 still是“仍然”、“还在”的意思,此处在句中对 working on it起了强调的作用。
3.have a look at it, 看一下。
这里的 it指 car,以避免重复。这里的 look是名词,have a look at与 look at意思是一样的。
4.Isn't that your car? 这难道不是您的车吗?
Didn't you have a crash? 难道您没有出车祸吗?
语法 Grammar in use
现在完成时的构成是 have/has+ 过去分词,因此其疑问式是将have/has提到主语之前,否定式则在have/has后加上not即可

  词汇学习 Word study
1.repair v.
I'll have to get the bicycle repaired.
She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face.
How can I repair the mistake I have made?
It will take a while to repair the confidence of the general public.
2.try v.
They tried hard to repair the damaged car.
He is trying to move the book shelf.
She's trying her new car.
I'll try that Italian restaurant next time.


  练习答案  Key to written exercises
Lesson 88
1  Did he find his pen a minute ago?
He didn't find his pen a minute ago.
2  Did he get a new television last week?
He didn't get a new television last week.
3  Did you hear the news on the radio?
We didn't hear the news on the radio.
4  Did they leave this morning?
They didn't leave this morning.
5  Did he lose his umbrella yesterday?
He didn't lose his umbrella yesterday.
6  Did you sweep the floor this morning?
I didn't sweep the floor this morning.
1  Has he met Mrs. Jones yet?
Yes, he has already met Mrs. Jones.
When did he meet Mrs. Jones?
He met her two weeks ago.
2  Has the boss left yet?
Yes, the boss has already left.
When did the boss leave?
He left ten minutes ago.
3  Has he had breakfast yet?
Yes, he has already had breakfast.
When did he have breakfast?
He had breakfast at half past seven.
4  Has she found her pen yet?
Yes, she has already found her pen.
When did she find her pen?
She found her pen an hour ago.
5  Has he got a television yet?
Yes, he has already got a television.
When did he get a television?
He got a television two weeks ago.
6  Has she heard the news yet?
Yes, she has already heard the news.
When did she hear the news?
She heard the news yesterday.
7  Has she made the bed yet?
Yes, she has already made the bed.
When did she make the bed?
She made the bed this morning.
8  Has he sent the letter yet?
Yes, he has already sent the letter.
When did he send the letter?
He sent the letter the day before yesterday
9  Has she swept the floor yet?
Yes, she has already swept the floor.
When did she sweep the floor?
She swept  the floor yesterday morning.
10  Has she told him the truth yet?
Yes, she has already told him the truth.
When did she tell him the truth?
She told him the truth last night.

