访谈录 2013-04-05&04-07 前总统肯尼迪女儿卡洛琳·肯尼迪专访(在线收听

The indelible images of Caroline Kennedy childhood,the little girl in the white house,hiding under her father's death,sitting beside her mother in bed.And if you look closely,there is often something else,books,many things,feel good poetry.
"My mother taught me short poem but added same things to more else when I was about three and I do remember reciting it from my father""What did your dad say,it's up to you? ""I like everyone to clap before"
It wasn't until years later she discovered the poem selected by her brother,a young Jone,did have a twist.
Because Caros Wellim was his first score,nailed his sister to the door,mother said with human claim"careful Wellim,dodn't grow the pain".So unlike I saw,I just,I couldn't believe it.I was so,you know,I just pictured us.At that age,it really meaning laugh."
That laughter those memories,capter lives by the poems,and she's looking to do the same now for other young people,with new book,poems to learn by heart.
"Hi,how are you" Quietly Caroline has been volunteer in New York public school and innovated a programme called Dream Yard in the Browns.Using the arts to give students there a voice.
"That's really change like who I am as a person""You wanna sing anything in front of this camera""Not at all""So when you hear that,that is giving them a voice""Yes"
"What do you think?""I hope that other people in their ages will look at them and see how words ideas have apparently changed their life"
For Good morning America,ABC News,New York.
