万花筒 2012-04-13&04-15 三星、苹果逐鹿智能机市场(在线收听

 This is probably your smart phone or that one, or maybe this one. The point is, statistically speaking, it's likely to be a Samsung. The tech-giant catapulted to the top spawn in terms of global smart phone shipment last year. And its trajectory remains up and wave. Analysts estimates see first quarter shipment's rising some 20% in the ballpark of 44 million handsets. Yes, 44 million smart phones sold in just 3 months. Top analysts surveyed by Stonemines suggest operating profits outperformed consensus estimates coming in near $4.5 billion. Investors have rewarded the firm for its success, its shares up some 35% in the last 12 months. Among its rivals, tops only by Apple, CLSA's forecast suggests the mobile unit is likely to account for some 70% of operating profits of this quarter. In other words, Samsung is increasingly a phone-centred firm. That's a part of reason that the firm is just earmark $7 billion for a new semiconductor factory in central China. That will build memory chips for mobile devices. The good news for investors is the more expensive phones that are selling. Take the Galaxy S2. A bigger powerful and expensive beast, it's full out to show it's faster than any smart phone in the firm's history. And this trend should translate into high-margins. Actually earnings will come out near the end of April. But shouldn't prove two different from official guidance and three estimates. So what's ahead for Samsung? According to the internet, the Galaxy S3, this supposed image of the model was leaked to the social website Reddit with due date of May 22nd. If sales of this new puppet everything like the S2, Samsung could be set for yet another blockbuster quarter.
