万花筒 2012-06-01&06-03 iPhone5将配置大屏幕抗衡三星Galaxy S3(在线收听

 Apple synonymous with innovative, agenda-setting design, the company that doesn't just lead industries, it reinvents them but not so subtle change of roles here for the upcoming iPhone 5. Sources tell Reuters the next generation Apple handset will super-size its display taking a page directly from the user menu of South Korea's top phone maker Samsumg.

The new iPhone 5 screen will expand corner to corner from 3.5 inches to 4 according to one of our sources, though that still a fair but smaller than the flagship Samsumg S III. We are hearing this new iPhone could fly off the production lines as soon as August. A boom not just for Apple but also accessory makers who can cash in making updated cases, speakers and other gizmos. Such a change may signal a shift in philosophy from the uncompromising Apple of the Steve Jobs to a firm that recognizes matching market demand is more important than design dogma. 
An important turn in this tight race between the world's two most successful phone makers.
John Gordon in Hong Kong.