万花筒 2012-06-25&06-27 伦敦奥运开幕式抢先看(在线收听

 We wanted to show you the beginning of our show,really, which is what this strange thing is here and behind the cloth. But this is what we wanted to start with. So I will be delighted once the cameras have got a little look at this. We抳e got all sorts of people to come and unveil it. I will be delighted for you to come up and gather around it and then we抣lhave a look at it. And we抣l talk about the beginning of the show. 

Ok, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, thank you. Cool! Forget the bunk she clothed for a moment. Huh? So this is our, if you can gather around this, you can all see, this is the beginning of our show. And obviously it's a meadow. But I just want to tell you, it's a real meadow, with real grass. Let me tell you a little bit more about it. So we, obviously this is our 揋reen and Pleasant London? Let抯 study it, this is a real cricket game, I am on it. And real animals that are using the land, and this is Glaston retro, this is a representation of our present retro. But unlike Victory itself, we have old trees on the top of it. OK? 
And beneath it is a mosh pit, which is our, which is obviously a wonderful thing about the Glastonbury Festival, and it抯 tipping the hat to the festival. And that would be,there抣l be members of the public in there. And they will be having a great time. And actually, the flags that you traditionally see in Glastonbury, these flags have been painted by schools, from the guest set program and there will be all the flags, they will be using there. 
And on the other end, there is another mosh pit. This is a standing room only, seats, if you like searching the wonderful city. It抯 standing room only. And on the other end, there is a slight, initially, perhaps only initially, a slightly more civilized approach, which reflects搕he Last Night of the Proms攔eally. So it's much more for these two. And we hope though, they battle, those two mosh pits if you like, they will face off against each other and enjoy the evening, because they will literally be inside the action. That was the idea of it. We wanted to make the show one of the values we wanted to create with the show with a sense of inclusiveness and warmth. We needed people felt included in it.