万花筒 2012-07-29&07-31 伦敦奥运会盛大开幕(在线收听

 After years and months of waiting, London has finally hosted its third Olympics opening ceremony. So for the tens of thousands in the audience and on stage, did it live up to the hype? Well, as they fell out of the stadium, the majority of people seem to think Danny Boyle and the thousands of engineers, volunteers and performers responsible pulled it out of the back. 

My favorite bee was when the Queen fell out of the helicopter, but missed in the stadium, that was amazing, that was amazing.
Lovely, remarkable, I cried a lot.
Absolutely, I think they抳e done a really good job, I know they抳e been preparing for it. 
My favorite part, Muhammad Ali, gets to see Muhammad Ali. 
So what was it like for those lucky enough not just to be in the audience,but to be on stage? Just as exciting, says performer Annie Webster. 
Everyone was getting very excited, everyone was cheering, we were singing along so we could hear the whole thing going on in our ears, we were counting along as we run, singing 2000,  it was amazing, I loved it, yeah, I did love it, you could hear that I loved it.
And now a chance to rest for most of those involved and well deserved, it was half past midnight before the caldron was finally lit.