
   26.Have an eye for something 对某事(某物体)了解得非常清楚

  To be very good at doing something, or have a great understanding of something.
  Example: As a botanist, he has to describe and draw plants accurately, so he must have an eye for detail.
  27.Turn a blind eye .熟视无睹
  To ignore an action, even though one should do something about it
  Example: Parents will spoil their children if they constantly turn a blind eye to their bad behavior.
  28.Keep an eye on 照看, 密切注视
  To watch carefully; to look after
  Example: Keep an eye on my purse – I'm just going to the bathroom.
  29.Lose face 丢脸
  To have one's reputation spoiled; to be embarrassed
  Example: The large drug houses have lost face, because smaller companies are selling similar products at a cheaper price!
  30.Lead the field 处于领头地位
  To be the most successful person or group in an activity
  Example: For decades, the House of Dior led the field in elegant fashion design.
  Get out of hand 失去控制
  To be out of control
  Example: The problem of suicide bombings is getting out of hand; there seems to be no way to stop them.
  31.Give a hand 提供帮助
  To help somebody with something
  Example: Please give me a hand and hold this board while I paint it.
  32.Learn by heart 牢记
  To memorize something; to have learned something word for word or very precisely.
  Example: At school we often learned Shakespeare’s sonnets by heart and recited them in front of the class.
  33.On hold 尚未办理的事情
  Something set aside and waiting to be dealt with
  Example: Our vacation plans are on hold right now; because my Dad’s just been admitted to hospital with a stomach ulcer.
  34.A dark horse 出乎意料的嬴家
  An unexpected winner.
  Example: A dark horse in this year’s basketball cup was Japan!
  35.The bottom line 本质内容
  The most essential part of something
  Example: We’ve talked a lot about taxation and immigration, but the bottom line is that we have to create more jobs.
  36.Live it up 狂欢一场
  To enjoy a high standard of living and lead a carefree life
  Example: The neighbors having been living it up ever since they won the sweepstakes.
  37.Look forward to 期待着
  To relish some future prospect; to eagerly await meeting somebody.
  Example: You can tell Jake is looking forward to his vacation – he keeps telling us how many days there are left until he finishes college.
  38.Bear in mind 记住
  To remember something which can be of help in the future.
  Example: Before you start your perspective drawing, bear in mind you should first establish a vanishing point.
  39.Have a mind to 想做某事, 计划做某事
  To be decided on ; to intend to
  Example: The service in our hotel was terrible. I have a mind to write a letter of complaint.
  40.Be in the mood 想要做某事
  To feel like doing something
  Example: She is not in the mood for playing cards and says she should really be preparing her lecture notes.
  41.Over the moon 欣喜若狂
  Extremely happy
  Example: She’s over the moon about her promotion – she really wasn’t expecting it.
  42.Get a move on 赶快
  To hurry up
  Example: Get a move on! The train is about to leave.
  43.Over and above 除…这外, 额外的
  In addition to
  Example: Over and above our salary, we are getting a large bonus, because business has been very profitable this year.
  44.Get the picture 了解某事
  To understand something, to grasp some meaning
  Example: When they started cutting back and laying people off at work, I got the picture and starting looking for another job.
  45.Be out of pocket 花光了钱的
  To be without money
  Example: He’s complaining because he spent all of his money on slot machines and now he’s out of pocket.
  46.Keep somebody posted 传达消息
  To regularly give somebody up-to-date information or details of the progress being made.
  Example: I phoned in at the end of each working day to keep my boss posted about developments at the trade conference.
  47.In the long run 最终, 最后
  Over a long period of time, once a process has matured
  Example: The grocery store is making a loss right now. In the long run, however, we hope to achieve a situation of stable profit.
  48.On a shoestring 生活拮据
  In a thrifty manner; with costs or spending down to a bare minimum
  Example: She lives on a shoestring – she gets a tiny pension and has to budget very tightly.
  49.Lose track of 失去消息, 失去线索
  To lose contact with somebody to not know where something is
  Example: I lost track of Fran when she moved to Boston. I’ve even tried to locate her on the Internet.