万花筒 2013-03-12&03-14 墓地房:物美价廉(在线收听

 In New York City, at the exact Bedseat Pittropolise lives their killer townhouse. I mean really, really lovely. Now if this is pretty much anywhere else in Brooklyn.

I would say this house would have gone for 40 to 50 percent more.
Why did you get such a good deal?
There were dead people over there.
Green-Wood Cemetery, one of the biggest in New York City, home to over half a million dead people, when moved in the day we visited. But, there are upsights.
A dead neighbour is a quiet neighbour. 
So lonely no party in. None much whatsoever.
And the cemetery is, kind of, like a lively park. 
Where you don’t have to worry about development; you’d have great views of this beautiful scenery across the way that will never disappear.
There is a lake and everything, Learner Bernstein, among many others, buried in this urban green oasis. But, and there is a big but. 
Are you worried about the Zonbi Pockelips?
I am worried about the Zonbi Pockelips.
You are the first victim. 
I am a frontline. 
But maybe the fest will go quick.
In a way I suppose. … you can soon … 
On the other side, if the cemetery leaves ... Yes, sanitary. 
There just people who were dead. 
The Zonbi isn’t just in movie. 
Do you like going down there?
Yeah, I like. You usually see graves … 
That must be fun. 
Isn’t it a freaky act? 
No, not at all.
I’m very peaceful.
But it sure freaks Sarah’s her mother-in-law. 
She does doesn’t understand why you are dwelling on a actual cemetery; but when she came the first time she sort of: Aih! It’s not real! Why!
One good reason: No one is gonna build there and ruin there fabulous view all the way to Manhattan. 
Now, you don’t mind the dead people, but do the dead people mind you?
We’ve got a TV or two to turn on, and the song.
Just sign.
Mayby they’ll just say “Hi!” They will welcome in us to their … 
To their turf. 