万花筒 2013-04-23&04-25 各地积极为四川地震灾区捐血(在线收听

 Lining up to give blood,these soldiers are among thousands around china donating for victims of Saturday's earthquake. As the number of the dead from the country's worst quake in 3 years,climbs to almost 200 with almost 11,000 injured.

Officials said people were flocking to blood donation centers.
The residents here are passionate about donating blood.
There are more donors than we expected.
I have order to make sure all the blood we collect is fresh. 
The 6.6 magnitude quake stroke the other city of Ya'an in the south-west province of Sichuan.
Rescuers are also working to open roads blocked by the quake on Sunday,
cutting off remote villagers from relief and supplies.Ya'an city is home to 1.5 million people and also one of China's main centers for protecting the giant panda.
The quake happened to close to a devastating 7.9 quake hit in May