NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-09-24(在线收听

 From NPR News in Wahingdon,I am Babara Cline.

President Obama is renewing his call for new gun control messures during  attribute to the 12 people killed in last week shooting around Washingdon's navy yard.The president said rears aren't enough.
We really want to hornor this 12 men and women,we really want to be a confery where we can go to work,go to school and walk our streets free from censsial violence without so many lives being stolen by bullets from a gun that we have to change.
The president says that change will only come from people demanding action.
Kennia military official say they now control most of the mall in Narobe that came under attack yesterday by Islamist extremists and most of the people trapped inside have been rescued.The Somalia extreme group  Alsahbu claimes responsibility for the masscue calling it retribution for the president's Kennia forces in Somalia.UN secretary general Ban Kon today condemned.
This    act targeting defendless civilians is totally reprehensive.
Kennia's red across put the death toll at 68,among those killed 3 British nationals.Larry Miller reports from London.
Prime Minister Cameron says he is offering the Kennia Presdent all assistance including policing and collabration on intelligence.
'It is an absolute sicking and dispeakable attack on poorly of brutality' Cameron says the terrorists are not advancing the calls of Islam.'   terror violence extremism and the waht view of the world they don't represent Islam or muslim in Britain or anywhere in the world'. Camron says Britain sent representive diplomatic team to Narobe,they help protect UK citizens and the British embassy.For NPR News,I am Larry Miller in London.
Republican senator Ran Paul says it appears the fight over ending Obama care is almost over,the GOP might have to accept compromise to make it less subjectionable to conservative.As Michigan public radio reports Paul made the statement at a republican party conference in Michigan this weekend.
The Kentaky senator was one of several perspective presidential candiates to ten events.Paul's position could put him at odd with other republicans who are trying to use the threate of government shut down as leverage for liminiting funding for the health care law.Paul says it maybe too late for that.
I acknowledge that we can't probably defeat or get rid of Obama care but by starting with our position of not funding it maybe we get to a position where we make it less bad.
Paul says there is still time to negotiate a deal before Ocotober 1 deadline for congress and president to agree to a budget continuation resolution. President Obama has said he will vital any messure that liminit funding from the health care law.For NPR News,I am Rick ,Michigan.
This is NPR News in Washingdon.
Canada controverse its sworling around a proposal put forward by Qubek's seperatist provincial government.It said Qubek charter values,now   international is waiting into the debate.Dan reports from Torato.
The propose came back charter values would prohebid public employees from wearing obvious religious symbols such as hair jabs,turbans,   or large crusisa .Protest government of premier   says new rules would still equality the sexes.Boost the Qubek idendity and underline the religious new trylity of the state.But the human rights group    interantional says the propose would limit fundmental rights and further stage ties  volunerable women and that it violate Canadian and interantional law for    on freedom of expression and religon.The province remains bitterly devided over the issue.Poll found that 52% of Qubek were in favor of the plan,but majority also felt it should be tested in court.For NPR news,I am Dan Carper in Torado.
Televison is rewarding its hornor this evening at 65th Amey awards.Among the big winners,for actor and drama news room Jeff Danniles,the Amey for actress in comedy series went to Julia Luis of    ,   won the Amey support acttress in comedy series for nurse Jack and the best actor in comedy series went to big bang series Jim Parsons.And the box office this weekend,the debute of crime filer prisoners lead the path,   nearly 21.5 million dollars.Kidnapping drama stars Hue Jackman and Jack Gelenhar and for series adot   movis is making a strong start.
I am Babara Cline,NPR News in Washingdon.