美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-09-03(在线收听

 1. The White House is briefing Congress tonight on intelligence regarding Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons. Inspectors are still collecting evidences at the site outside Damascus as the US moves toward possible military strike against the regime. 

2. The NFL has agreed to pay more than 750 million dollars to help retired football players who blame the sport for dementia and other brain injuries. 4500 former athletes had sued the league saying it concealed the long-term dangers of concussion. 
3. Bottles of Tylenol will soon come with a bold warning on the cap. The phrases “Contains Acetaminophen” and always “Read the label” will appear in bright red. It’s an effort by Johnson & Johnson to better inform consumers of the dangers of taking too much which can lead to liver damage or even death. 
4. And red worms had wriggled into the water system of an Oklahoma town. Residents in Colcord were told to avoid drinking and cooking with tap water until city official clears the problem. But showers are ok. 