听播客学英语 288 我祝福您(在线收听

   My friend Margaret writes poetry. I have persuaded her to record a few of her poems for you to listen to. Here is one called I Wish for You.

  I Wish for You
  Life brings many experiences,
  some good,
  some bad,
  some in-between.
  You have been my friend
  for many years
  and I hope that will continue.
  We have seen life, we two,
  we have shared so deeply,
  it blows my mind sometimes.
  I wish for you –
  not happiness for that can fade
  nor riches for they can turn to rags
  nor a life of ease
  which may make you fat!
  I wish for you strength in God,
  patience to see you through the trials.
  Joy that goes deeper
  than anything the world
  can throw at you.
  I wish for you the best !
  For one of my dearest friends