美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-10-05(在线收听

1. In Minnesota, leaders of the nation¡¯s largest Somali community say some of their young men are still being enticed to join the terror group that has claimed for responsibility for the deadly mall attack in Kenya.

2. Many Pakistanis are struggling for food and shelter following the massive earthquake that struck the southwest part of the country Tuesday, killing at least 348 people. 

3. Syrian President Bashar Assad says he is not discounting the possibility of a US military attack on his country. Even though, he agreed to give up his government¡¯s chemical weapon. 

4. Teams of volunteers are fanning out across Detroit for a two-day count of stray dogs. The canine survey is part of the World Animal Awareness Society¡¯s American Stays Research Project. 
