美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-10-11(在线收听

 Three Americans won the Nobel Prize in medicine Monday. They discovered how tiny bubbles inside cells shuttle key substances around, delivering the right cargo to the right place at 

the right time. Their research could eventually lead to new medicines for epilepsy, diabetes and other metabolism deficiencies.
President Barack Obama made an unannouced visit to FEMA to thank employees for working under less than optimal circumstances during the government shutdown. 86% of FEMA's workforce 
has been furloughed, but many came to work without pay last week to prepare for Tropical Storm Karen.
Authorities say 13 people were injuried during a running gun battle at a Fresno, California motorcycle club's annual dance. An 18-year-old man was killed. All the injuried are 
expected to survive.
And the new 100-dollar bill with an array of high-tech features designed to thwart counterfeiters will get its coming out party on Tuesday, partial government shutdown or not.