
 TEXT: From horror movies … to a cat meowing … Let the games begin! Meet Lala, a 10-year-old African Grey parrot, entertaining crowds at a South Korean zoo. Lee Hyun-Jung, saying (Korean): "I've seen it on TV before and in person it even makes electronic sounds - it's amazing." Kim Hye-Su, saying (Korean): "The best was when he made the sound from horror movies, a woman's scream. The bird entertains me a lot and I'll never get bored with him." Lala's trainer Nam Ji-hae says she discovered the bird's talent two years ago. SOUNDBITE: Nam Ji-hae, Lala's trainer, saying (Korean): "I used to play with Lala while whistling. One day, when I took him out of his cage to play with him, he whistled. So I realized he has a great sense of sound," said Nam. And because African Grey's live to be around 40-years-old, visitors to the zoo can expect Lala's repertoire to keep on growing. Tara Cleary, Reuters.

参考译文: 从恐怖片到猫叫,让游戏开始吧!Meet Lala,一只10岁大来自非洲的灰色鹦鹉,正在韩国动物园里娱乐一群围观者。Lee Hyun-Jung说:“此前我在电视上看过它,他甚至能发出电子声,这太神奇了。”Kim Hye-Su说:“最神奇的是当它发出女士看恐怖电影时的尖叫声。这只鹦鹉让我很开心,和它在一起绝不会感到无聊。”Lala的驯养师Nam Ji-hae说:“它鸣叫的时候,我经常和它玩。有一天我把它拿出笼子逗它的时候,它鸣叫起来。因此我意识到它对声音非常敏锐,”因非洲灰鹦鹉的寿命可以接近40岁,因此来动物园参观的旅客可以期待Lala日渐提高的演奏技艺。