英语新闻视频:小狗学开车 8周掌握基本驾驶技能(在线收听

【Dogs on adoption drive】小狗学开车 8周掌握基本驾驶技能

  It all looks perfectly natural. This is Monty, one of three dogs getting behind the wheel. New Zealand's SPCA is behind a push to find more homes for abandoned pets. They say teaching dogs to drive highlights the animals' intelligence, which they hope will encourage more adoptions. The dogs learned to move a gear lever, sit in a driving position and hold a steering wheel. One skill that's still not up to scratch, though, is braking, says trainer Mark Vette. Mark Vette, animal trainer, saying (English): "We had a couple of days ago the car was going too fast, the trainer nearly got run over, the car, the braking, the dogs but no, we've got it all here now. There's no excuses. We've got to get in there and show that dogs can drive cars." And as long as there're tasty treats along the way, there's no looking back.

  这一切看起来非常自然。这是蒙蒂,三只学开车的狗中之一。新西兰的SPCA正努力为被遗弃的宠物找到更多的住房。他们表示教狗狗学开车凸显了动物的智力,希望鼓励更多的了来收养。狗学会了移动变速杆,坐在驾驶位置并握住方向盘。但还有一个技能未能达到标准,那就是制动。动物教练Mark Vette说:“几天前车开的太快,教练几乎辗过,这车,主动,狗狗,但现在都搞定了。没有借口,我们成功了,狗狗是可以开车的。”一路上只要有美味的款待,它们就不会回头(到处乱看)

