名人励志英语演讲 第101期:当梦想来临时抓住它(2)(在线收听

   Everyone in my family went to school here at Michigan: me, my brother, my Mom and Dad--all of us. My Dad actually got the quantity discount: all three and a half of his degrees are from here. His Ph.D. was in Communication Science because they thought Computers were just a passing fad, when he earned it 44 years ago. He and Mom made a big sacrifice for that degree. They argued at times over pennies, while raising my newborn brother. Mom typed my Dad's dissertation by hand. That's ironic for a Communication Science dissertation. This velvet hood I'm wearing, this was my Dad's. And this diploma that I have here, just like the one you are about to get, that was my Dad's. And my underwear, that was... oh never mind.

  My father's father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint, Michigan. He was an assembly line worker. He drove his two children here to Ann Arbor, and told them: This is where you're going to go to college. I know it sounds funny now. Both his kids actually did graduate from Michigan. That was the American dream. His daughter, Beverly, of course with us today.
  1. quantity discount
  eg. When customers order products in large quantities, they receive a quantity discount price.
  eg. There are various other kinds of discounts in international trade in addition to the common ones, such as the quantity discount for enlarging and extending markets, the special discounts for special purpose and so on.
  2. passing fad
  eg. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.
  eg. Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.
  3. It sounds+形容词/It looks+形容词
  文中用的到是It sounds funny...听起来很好笑;
  eg. Now when I tell you about it, it sounds funny, but at that time, I was very sad.
  eg. It sounds funny I know but it is true.
  拉里·佩奇(Larry Page,1973.03.26-),全名劳伦斯·爱德华·佩奇(Lawrence Edward Page),拉里·佩奇出生在美国密歇根州东兰辛市的一个犹太家庭,为美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校的毕业生,拥有理工科学士学位;因其出色的领导才能获得过多项荣誉,以奖励他对工学院的贡献。他曾担任密西根大学Eta Kappa Nu 荣誉学会的会长。其指导教授是 Terry Winograd 博士。Google 就是由 Page 在斯坦福大学发起的研究项目转变而来的。[1]
  拉里·佩奇是密歇根大学计算机科学教授 Carl Victor Page 博士的儿子,他从六岁就开始热衷于计算机。拉里·佩奇在学术领域秉承了其父亲的传统,成为密歇根大学的荣誉毕业生,获得工程专业的理学学士学位(主修计算机工程)。在 Ann Arbor 就读期间,拉里·佩奇担任密歇根大学 Eta Kappa Nu 荣誉学会会长,并用 Lego? 制成一台可编程的绘图喷墨打印机。
  在斯坦福大学攻读计算机理学博士学位期间,拉里·佩奇遇到了 Sergey Brin,他们共同创建并管理 Google(1998 年开始运营)。拉里·佩奇在斯坦福大学获得硕士学位后,开始休学。他是 Insitituto de Empresa 大学的荣誉工商管理硕士,是荣获密歇根大学校友会工程专业新毕业生奖的第一位学员。
  拉里·佩奇曾在科技、娱乐与设计大会、《华尔街日报》技术峰议、世界经济论坛和 Commonwealth Club 等多个论坛发表演讲。他在 2002 年获世界经济论坛选为“未来的全球领袖”(Global Leader for Tomorrow),同时获 MIT 的《技术评论》杂志 (Technology Review) 选为“创造未来的年轻发明家”(Young Innovator Who Will Create the Future)。Page 是密歇根大学工程学院的国家顾问委员会 (NAC) 的成员,曾获《研发杂志》(Research and Development Magazine)“本年发明家”(Innovator of the Year),并在 2004 年入选国家工程学院。