
  A story is not like a road to follow … it's more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while, wandering back and forth and settling where you like and discovering how the room and corridors relate to each other, how the world outside is altered by being viewed from these windows.
  And you, the visitor, the reader, are altered as well by being in this enclosed space, whether it is ample and easy or full of crooked turns, or sparsely or opulently furnished. You can go back again and again, and the house, the story, always contains more than you saw the last time. It also has a sturdy sense of itself of being built out of its own necessity, not just to shelter or beguile you.
  而你,作为访客,作为读者,也已经被这一自足的空间所改变了——无论这房子的户型是宽敞舒适、落落大方还是曲折诡异、曲径通幽,无论其内部装饰是疏少简陋 还是奢华繁琐。你可以一次又一次的回访,每次都会发现这幢房子、这个故事比上次参观时又多了新的内容。这幢房子会有明确的自我意识,为自己的意义而存在, 而非仅仅是为访客遮风挡雨或提供消遣的东西。