NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-10-18(在线收听

 President Obama thanked Democratic and Republican leaders in Washington for finally reaching an agreement.The president's mark coming after the Senate by vote of 81 to 18 signed on a measure to avoid financial default and reopen the government's 16 day partial shutdow.President saying once the House signs off the measure,he will sign it.

Once the agreement arrives on my desk,I will sign on it immediately.We will begin reopening our government immediately and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty and ease our business and for American people     
Senate message came after several hours beyond one deal was hammered up between Senate majority leader Harry Reid and minority leader Mithc Macnald. The reopen the government to Jan 14th permits the treasury to borrow to Feb 7th. The House meanwhile take up the measure proved earlier today by the Senate after republican including speaker John Benhner conceded to defeat their efforts persuading the president to engage negotiations on the country's debts and now 3 year old health care law.NPR's Timmer Cathe is expected there.
The reality is that this compass in the House with 200 Democrats voting for it and only 20 House republicans,it's likely to get more House republcians than than.House speaker John Benhner has made it clear that he thinks that his member should in fact vote for this.We don't know what the final votaly will be,but I don't think there is a lot doubt about the outcome. 
NPR's Timmer in a statement earlier today Benhner said House republicans quota for a good fight but didn't win.
Democrat Corry Bokkerr has won a special election to fill New Jersy's vacant US senatency local media reports Booker the former mayor of Nork reportedly defeating republican Steve for the seat vacanted by the death of Frank Laubuger.
We got mostly optimistic view of the economy from federal reserve's closely watched bash book today.NPR's Dan Bobber reports.
8 times a year,the fed tell us a little stoties about the status of the economy,it buys     into what calls the bish book.In late Sep early Oct,the fed says the nation's economy continue to expand at a modest moderate pace but growth slowed in some regions including around Philidophia,Chicago and Kensa city.Over all the fed's contest said they were concerous after mistake, consumer spending increased but some area say companies are nervous to higher uncertainty about the affordable care act and the government shutdown.The shutdown has left doubts about a lot other government economy   lately.Since the facebook is taking a more importance.Tim Bobe,NPR News.
  workers most harmed by the more than 2 weeks partial government shutdown, federal employees when some cases got no pay checks.We have to play their case to crditors,some agencies are offering their employees a letter explains creditors the consequencies of the government shutdown asking them to be patient.
On Wall Street today,the Don was up more than 200 points close at 15,373,the nasdaq gain 45 points.You are listening to NPR.
6 nation talks with Iran about that country's disputed nuclear program have racked up with Iran saying progress was made,parties also agree to meet in Geniva in 3 weeks to continue theeir discussion.EU's top diplomat called the talks very important after Iran's foreign minister detailed with the White House said was not preciously seen level of seriousness.
There is another problem with Boeing 787 dreamliner,a panel on the body one of the higer new tech commercial jets fell off in the air Indian plan.The airplane was able to land safely, but David reports this is just a liss in the series problems from Boeing dreamliner.
The 787 dreamliner is built as Boeing's long    commercial airplane of the future,made of lighter weight composed materials,the dreanliner is much more fuel effiency than precious planes.The dreamliner has been beset with problems from start,first with 4 years of production delays and then after the plane start flying,reports of battery electory peoblems including onboard fires.And in this latest incident saturday,a 4 foot by 8 foot pannel fell off the fule  of airindia plane on its way from Deli to Bangola with 148 passengers and crew onboard.Boeing is investigating,a spokes man says passenger safety was never regret.Davis NPR News.
Washington state is ruling out the rules with new illeagalize mariwana industry the new guideline has loft 334 mariwana stores in the state,the law also covers a range of other issues including security the allowable size marivaan pots,both Washington and Colorado vote last year to legalize marivcana in supportors hope taxes from sales marivana to those of the age over 21 will bring millions dollars.
I am Jack Speer,NPR News in Washington.