
   1. Are you interested in going dancing tonight?今晚有没有兴趣去跳舞?

  2. Would you like to go shopping with me this weekend?这个周末想跟我去逛街吗?
  3. How about going to see a movie with me tonight?今晚跟我去看场电影如何?
  4. I'm inviting you to my birthday party.我邀请参加我的生日派对。
  5. Hey, do you want to check out a band this Saturday night?喂,这个星期六晚上要不要去看一个乐团表演?
  6. I'm thinking about going to KTV with my coworkers tonight. Wanna come?我想今天晚上跟同事去唱KTV。要来吗?
  7. Are you free tomorrow night? I'm wondering if you're free for dinner.你明天晚上有空吗?我不晓得你有没有空一块吃晚饭。
  8. Are you up for a barbecue this weekend?要不要这个周末去烤肉?
  9. Do you have any special plans for the weekend? Maybe we can go hiking. How does that sound?这个周末有没有什么特别的计画?或许我们可以去爬山。你意下如何?
  10. Why don't we go get some tea?我们何不一块去喝茶?