澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-02-25(在线收听

 The heart-breaking task of cleaning-up is underway across flood stricken northern New South Wales. Some residents are being allowed to return to their homes as flood waters start to recede. Around 20,000 people are likely to remain isolated for several days.

Large crowds have packed Saint Peter's Square in Rome for Pope Benedict's last Sunday address before he steps down on Thursday. His last day on the job are being overshadowed by new scandal involving the UK's most senior Catholic. Cardinal Keith O'Brien is accused of acting inappropriately towards other priests 30 years ago.
Italians have begun voting in the first general election since an elected government took power in 2011. Scuffles broke out when three topless women launched at former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi as he arrives at a Milan polling booth to vote. Polie arrested the women who had enough with Berlusconi's scawl on their backs.
The older brother of Oscar Pistorius will face court over the death of a woman. Carl Pistorius has been charged with culpable driving for alleagedly killing a motorcyclist in a road accident five years ago. 
Preparations are underway for Hollywoods' “Night of knights”. Three Australians are facing some tough competitions when the Oscar gets underway later today. Hugh Jackman is nominated for best actor. Naomi Watts for best actress and Jacki Weaver for best supporting actress.